Let’s face it. As
moms we often believe ~ especially when life isn’t going the way we hoped it
would ~ that we’re in this alone, that it’s up to us to make it all
better. We might have a husband or friend
we can share our deepest fears with, we know our Heavenly Father is there for
us, but we still feel alone and we find ourselves white-knuckling our way
through this relationship with our son.
This is why I started my Find
Peace in Parenting blog and coaching program ~ because white-knuckling isn’t
the only way.
Yet, as I talk to LDS moms about my Find Peace in Parenting coaching program, I sometimes get the
feeling they think I believe that my coaching tools should replace their
dependence on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
This is the exact opposite of what I believe. I know Heavenly Father will guide us through
the challenging times in our lives. But
I also know that the adversary spends a lot of time trying to discourage us and
create havoc when our sons aren’t living the way we want them to. I also know that when I’m consumed with
feelings of doubt, I don’t show up in my relationship with my Heavenly Father from
a place where I can hear Him and feel connected to Him, even if I’m going
through the motions. When I’m believing
~ and telling myself over-and-over ~ that I’m a failure as a mom, I begin to
doubt that even the Atonement can heal my heart. When I’m consumed with despair, it makes it
more difficult for me to hear the whisperings of the Holy Ghost.
This is where Find
Peace in Parenting comes in. The
coaching I do helps you clear your head and put you in a better place to feel
His direction in your life. The blogs I
write are here to enhance your LDS beliefs, not diminish them.