
Thursday, March 29, 2018

Shower Epiphany

My husband sometimes tells me my showers are too long and too hot.  He’s right.  But a lot of my most powerful pondering happens when I’m showering (maybe because I’m quiet?) and I tell him my shower epiphanies are worth a slightly higher water bill ;)

Today’s shower epiphany almost knocked me over (and not just because showers can be slippery!).  It’s been four years since my son told me he wasn’t going to serve a mission and that he had questions about the church and his testimony.  Since that time his younger brother has followed the same path.

I have spent the last four years trying to figure out how to make this situation better, how to really turn it over to the Lord.  This morning, in the shower, it dawned on me that my big road block in knowing my part in all of this is a lack of believing that I really could have done everything in my power to do and it could still turn out this way; a lack of willingness to really let go of my own plans and expectations; essentially, a lack of really trusting the Lord.

Where do our beliefs come from?  The things we think over and over.  What do you believe about your own situation?

Monday, March 26, 2018

The power I gave the white car

“Things” don’t usually affect me too much (I’m more of a quality-time and words-of-affirmation kind of gal!), so imagine my surprise when I found my stomach getting tied up in knots every time I can home and saw this white car in front of our home.  This piece of metal seemed to keep conjuring up reminders that life is not fair, that we had been figuratively slapped in the face, and that my heart had been crushed.  I told my husband we needed to sell it because it kept making me feel bad.

As those words came out of my mouth I suddenly realized the power I had handed over TO A CAR.  What?!

Like most people, I don’t like to be controlled.  As soon as I realized I was letting a car determine how I felt every time I returned home, I knew something had to change ~ I had to change ~ I wanted to change.  And I didn’t want to get rid of the white car until the change took place.

The change wasn’t instantaneous but it did happen, with some practice, and within a month we signed the title of the white car over to its new owner.